Jay Mertz always makes room for earthworms at Rabbit Hill Farm in Corsicana, Texas, where he and his wife, Joanne, raise earthworms and sell castings, potting soil, and organically grown plants. He knows that earthworms not only aerate the soil to a depth of 6 feet and make minerals more available in the process, but each earthworm also produces rich fertile castings, or manure, and lots of it—up to its body weight each day! The castings contain several vital nutrients as well as an enzyme that increases the moisture holding capacity of the soil.
"Earthworm castings are the worlds best fertilizer," Jay claims. Castings contain all the nutrients plants need for a terrific start, and the additional Epsom salts in his formula provide magnesium for sweet, juicy tomatoes and melons.
Ingredients and Supplies
12 cups earthworm castings
1/4 cup Epsom salts
Plastic measuring cup or empty 8-ounce yogurt container
1. Put earthworm castings in a bucket or other container and add the Epsom salts. Mix well.
2. Put 1 cup of the mixture in the bottom ol each transplant hole as you plant tomatoes and melons.
Yield: 1214 cups of organic fertilizer mix
Your own Earthworm Farm
You can buy earthworm castings from a garden supply catalog. But it's more fun to build a worm composter to produce a free supply of castings. Earthworms make composting easy - even indoors! )ust use a small box to hold earthworms, soil, and kitchen waste. These polite houseguests will consume your kitchen food wastes and shredded newspapers and give you earthworm castings, the world's greatest fertilizer. All they ask for is a nice warm, dark bed and steady meals. To learn more about earthworms and worm bins, see pages 20-21.
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